JCS Competition Homepage

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An explination of this site

This website was basically designed with the intention of being the homepage of a level creation competition. Unfortunaely, the competition never became a reality, and this website I designed turned into... whatever word there is for a dead website. Because this was designed with the intention of of having a minimalist colour scheme and layout, I did not use images or colours besides black, white and grey for the website. I'm a big fan of simplicity. This website was made totally in notepad, and it only uses HTML and CSS (and javascript if you count the little countr thing at the bottom of this page). The markup of these pages might look a little... messy if it is viewed by downloading it through the "edit" function of explorer, but the original coding of the website was clean, indented professionally, and had no errors. Since the assignment requires two images to be used on this site, I will post the obligatory two images right here.

These images have been sized down, and the originals (and some other things I have stored here for my own purposes) can be found in this folder if you are, for any reason, interested in them. Finally, the fourth assignment of the first module is located here. I didn't check the amount of words in it but I am sure it is over 300. And that's about all I have to say. -Michael Gagno

2211 visits since Feb 28, 2003