JCS Competition Homepage

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Overview Of Contest

This contest will not award money, or any other material prize. It's purpose is simply for your own enjoyment in competing against other level makers, and the prize will be the bragging rights to say that you are the best; that you won.

The entire contest will consist of ten parts, hereby referred to as challanges. Each challange will require a different type of level to be done with JCS, with some of the challanges being rather unique. Contestants may sign up at any point in time during the contest, but will have a significantly reduced chance of winning the competition, due to them having missed earlier parts.

Each challange will be out of a total of 100 points, and the criteria for getting those points will vary depending on the current challange. There will (hopefully) be more than one judge who is judging the levels, and unless a truily massive amount of submissions are recieved, the judges will be required to write a comprehensive review of each level (minimum 3 paragraphs). The scores of each judge will then be averaged out to form the final result.

The winner of the competition will be the competitor who has the most points at the end of the time which the competiton will last.

The levels will be judged using criteria unique to each challange, but every challange will probably use most or all of these to base the scores:

-Implementation (How well does the submission follow the guidelines of the challange?)
-Layout* (How well-designed is the level? Is it balanced? Can you find your way around?)
-Fun-Factor* (Is playing the level enjoyable?)
-Flow* (Can you move around easily? Is the gameplay well-paced?)
-Event Placement* (Is the ammo in good spots? Are the start positions well-located? CTF bases? Carrots? Respawn times?)
-Eye-candy (Is the level ugly or pretty?)
-Theme (How does the level feel overall? Is the music well-selected?)
-Originality (How creative is this level?)
-Bugs (If the judges find bugs in the level, they will subtract points from the total score at appropriate amounts)
*lumped together under the category of gameplay

The implementation category will not be worth much on challanges which don't have as unique of a goal, and it will be worth more on challanges that have a more unique goal.

The final score at the end of the competition will be out of 800. If a person does 9 challanges, their lowest score will be ignored when adding up the results. If a person does 10, their two lowest scores get ignored.

You do not have to fill out any forms or applications to enter the contest. Simply do one of the challanges and send in your work and you will automatically be considered a competitor, assuming you followed the rules.

About This Website

This website was designed in half an hour by EvilMike. He knows it sucks, and probably hates it even more than you do. That's about all that has to be put here. This website is not copyrighted. Feel free to steal.