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General Rules

All levels must be in 1.23 format, NOT 1.24. There will be no exceptions to that.

You must be willing to accept criticism for your work, good or bad. Challanging the judges will result in possible disqualification or reduction of points. It is unfair to attempt to change the judge's opinions.

You may allow judges and rival competitors to see your level, and you can even let them test the level and ask them for helpful advice on it. What you may not do, however, is attempt to "convince" them to rate your level highly (if they are judges), or to not submit a level (if they are competitors). Bribery, blackmail, or anything else is strictly forbidden.

You are to include your name in the actual level, preferably in the form of a text string, but other methods are acceptable.

Your submissions must be your own work. You cannot get other people to build a certain aspect of the level, and you cannot have any help from other people besides general advice.

You can only submit one level per challange.

You may not create a custom tileset for the purpose of the challange.

Rules For Judges

Judges may enter levels, but they may not judge their own work.

Judges cannot share their reviews or scores with the other judges, nor can they talk about a level with other judges before they review it. This rule does not apply if two or more judges are rating one level as a group effort. In this case, it is OK.

Each review must be at least 3 paragraphs. It does not have to include the breakdown of scores, but it must include the total.

Judges may subtract points for major bugs in the level, but no more than 5 points per bug, unless it is something absolutely huge.